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A help towards restarting or continuing the education for deserving ones


Presented by Sameer Ranjan,
Founder of Cognitive Sprints

Includes a scholarship of up to 1 lakh Indian Rupees & mentorship for deserving students who want to pursue their education and cannot due to financial conditions. My organization is determined to make a scholarship to the folks from our revenue and constantly support the students striving to create a better society. 

In this PSE Scholarship we will cover


PSE Scholarship: Honoring Legacy and Fostering Ambition

The Pyari Shanti Education (PSE) Scholarship is more than just financial aid; it is a tribute to my grandmothers, whose boundless kindness and deep understanding of humanity left an indelible mark on everyone they encountered. Their wisdom and compassion were instrumental in shaping countless lives, and it is in their memory that this scholarship is established.

The Essence of the PSE Scholarship

Growing up, one invaluable lesson our grandmothers instilled in us was the significance of understanding the "why" behind our actions. This principle transcends mere academic pursuit and delves into the very core of our aspirations and motivations. The PSE Scholarship embodies this philosophy by focusing not on the limitations of traditional criteria but on the essence of your desire to learn and grow.

What Sets the PSE Scholarship Apart

  1. Purpose-Driven Education: The PSE Scholarship is unique in its approach. We are not bound by academic scores, financial need, or specific fields of study. Instead, we seek to understand your "why" – the driving force behind your educational goals. Whether you aspire to be a doctor, an artist, a scientist, or an entrepreneur, your passion and motivation are what matter most.​

  2. Empowerment Through Support: This scholarship aims to empower individuals who possess a genuine thirst for knowledge and a clear vision of their future. We believe that by supporting those with a strong "why," we can contribute to creating a generation of compassionate, innovative, and driven individuals who will make a positive impact on the world.

  3. Legacy of Kindness: In honoring my grandmothers, the PSE Scholarship stands as a beacon of kindness and understanding. It reflects their belief in the potential of every individual and their unwavering support for those who strive to better themselves and their communities.

Applying for the PSE Scholarship

To apply for the PSE Scholarship, we invite you to share your story with us. Tell us about your dreams, your motivations, and, most importantly, your "why." Explain why you have chosen your particular educational path and how you plan to use your knowledge to make a difference. There are no rigid formats or restrictions – we want to hear your authentic voice.

The PSE Scholarship is a celebration of the values my grandmothers held dear. It is an opportunity for you to pursue your educational dreams without the confines of traditional barriers. By understanding and embracing your "why," we aim to support and uplift those who carry the same spirit of curiosity, compassion, and determination that my grandmothers exemplified. Join us in honoring their legacy and forging your path toward a brighter future.

Application for Scholarship

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